Abbreviations & Contractions

IMHO Meaning: The Meaning and Examples of Useful Acronym “IMHO”

IMHO Meaning: The Meaning and Examples of Useful Acronym “IMHO”

Have you ever heard the term “IMHO”? What does IMHO mean? How to use this acronym correctly? In this lesson, you will find the phrase that the acronym “IMHO” stands for with other meanings and conversation examples to help you use the acronym correctly. IMHO Meaning What Does IMHO Mean? IMHO stands for “In My […]

IMAO Meaning: How to Use the Trendy Term “IMAO” Correctly?

IMAO Meaning: How to Use the Trendy Term “IMAO” Correctly?

What does IMAO mean? Have you ever heard the term “IMAO ”? In this lesson, you will find the phrase that the slang acronym “IMAO ” most likely stands for with other meanings and conversation examples in English to help you learn how to use the acronym correctly. IMAO Meaning What Does IMAO Mean? IMAO stands for “In My […]

BTW Meaning: How Do You Define the Trendy Acronym “BTW”?

BTW Meaning: How Do You Define the Trendy Acronym “BTW”?

What does BTW mean and stand for? In this lesson, you will learn the definition, other meanings and conversation examples of the acronym “BTW” in English. BTW Meaning What Does BTW Mean? BTW stands for “By The Way”. BTW is an acronym used everywhere on the internet – on message boards, internet forums, social networks […]

WYD Meaning: What Does This Useful Slang Acronym “WYD” Mean and Stand For?

WYD Meaning: What Does This Useful Slang Acronym “WYD” Mean and Stand For?

What does WYD mean? Have you ever heard the term “WYD”? In this lesson, you will find the phrase that the acronym “WYD” most likely stands for with other meanings and conversation examples in English to help you learn how to use the acronym correctly. WYD Meaning What Does WYD Mean? WYD stands for “What […]

OOTD Meaning: What Does the Trendy Term “OOTD” Mean and Stand For?

OOTD Meaning: What Does the Trendy Term “OOTD” Mean and Stand For?

What does OOTD mean? Have you ever heard the term “ootd”? In this lesson, you will find the phrase that the acronym “ootd” most likely stands for with more information and examples to use in more specific situations. OOTD Meaning What Does OOTD Mean? The slang acronym”OOTD” stands for “outfit of the day“. OOTD is […]

HO Meaning: What Does HO Mean? (with Useful Examples)

HO Meaning: What Does HO Mean? (with Useful Examples)

HO! HO meaning! In this lesson, you will learn how to use the internet slang word – HO with definition and useful examples sentences. HO HO Meaning HO stands for the phrase ~ “Hold On” The term “HO” can be used in a lot of situations. When used in texting and messaging, it means “hold […]

IDN Meaning: What Does IDN Stand for? (with Useful Examples)

IDN Meaning: What Does IDN Stand for? (with Useful Examples)

IDN! IDN Meaning! In this lesson, you will learn how to use the internet slang IDN with useful definition, example sentences and conversations. IDN IDN Meaning What does IDN stand for? IDN stands for “I Don’t Know” It’s used to directly show that someone doesn’t know something. Some say it has been in use since […]

IRL Meaning: What Does IRL Stand for (with Useful Examples)

IRL Meaning: What Does IRL Stand for (with Useful Examples)

IRL Meaning! Do you know what IRL stands for? In this lesson, you will learn the definition and how to use to acronym – IRL in English with useful example sentences. IRL Meaning What Does IRL Mean? IRL stands for “In Real Life”. It is used for messaging or social media. IRL refers to something […]

NBD Meaning: What Does NBD Stand For? Useful Examples

NBD Meaning: What Does NBD Stand For? Useful Examples

NBD Meaning! What does NBD mean? In this lesson, you will learn how to use the acronym NBD with useful definition and examples. NBD NBD Meaning NBD stands for “Not Big Deal” People often use this expression to show that something is not so important. This can be used to prioritize work or to let […]

BRB Meaning: What Does BRB Mean in Texting? Useful Examples

BRB Meaning: What Does BRB Mean in Texting? Useful Examples

BRB! What does BRB mean? In this lesson, you will learn how to use the internet slang word – BRB with definition, useful examples and ESL pictures. BRB BRB Meaning BRB stands for “Be Right Back” “Be right back,” often abbreviated BRB, is a phrase that means that an internet users expects to be away […]

LMK Meaning: What Does LMK Stand For? (with Useful Examples)

LMK Meaning: What Does LMK Stand For? (with Useful Examples)

LMK! LMK meaning! In this lesson, you will learn how to use the acronym – LMK in English with the definition and useful conversations. LMK LMK Meaning LMK is an internet acronym that stands for “let me know” on the internet and in real life, though like many abbreviations and some slang terms, it’s typed […]

IMO Meaning: What Does IMO Mean? Useful Examples

IMO Meaning: What Does IMO Mean? Useful Examples

IMO! IMO meaning! In this article, you will learn the definition and example of the acronym – IMO with useful infographic. IMO IMO Meaning IMO = In My opinion What is IMO’s meaning? There are various meaning of IMO. It is used when expressing your own personal opinion on an issue especially when it is […]

OFC: What Does OFC Mean in Texting? Useful Examples

OFC: What Does OFC Mean in Texting? Useful Examples

OFC! OFC meaning! In this lesson, you will learn the meaning, example sentences of the internet acronym – OFC with ESL picture! OFC OFC Meaning OFC stands for: Of Course OFC is really just a slightly more polite way to say “obviously.” It means that a piece of information should be easily understood or perceived. […]

TFW Meaning: What Does TFW Mean? Useful Examples

TFW Meaning: What Does TFW Mean? Useful Examples

TFW! Do you know what tfw means in texting? In this lesson, you will learn the meaning, definition and example sentences of the acronym – tfw in English with ESL pictures. TFW TFW Meaning TFW = That Face When/ That Feeling When TFW is an internet acronym that stands for “That Face When” or “That […]

FWIW Meaning | What Does FWIW Stand For? (with Useful Examples)

FWIW Meaning | What Does FWIW Stand For? (with Useful Examples)

FWIW! Do you know what FWIW stand for? In this lesson, you will learn the meaning of FWIW and how to use it in sentences. FWIW FWIW Meaning What does FWIW stand for? FWIW stands for “For What It’s Worth” It is used by most of the internet users who are part of the pop […]

HMU: What Does HMU Stand For? Useful Conversations

HMU: What Does HMU Stand For? Useful Conversations

HMU! HMU meaning! In this lesson, you will learn the meaning of the acronym HMU with useful example sentences. HMU HMU Meaning HMU stands for Hit Me Up It’s used to say “contact me,” “text me,” “phone me,” or some other version of “reach me to follow up on this.” It’s a modern shorthand way […]