G2G meaning! In this article, we’ll go to the detail of what the internet acronym G2G means and stands for with useful example conversation in English to help you use the acronym in the correct situations.
Table of Contents
G2G Meaning
What Does G2G Mean?
‘G2G’ stands for the phrase “Got To Go”, also “Gotta Go”. It is used mainly in computer-based conversation (instant messaging, email, text messaging, etc.)
Other Meanings
- G2G = Government to Government
- G2G = Get Together
- G2G = Global to Global
- G2G = Girl to Girl
- G2G = Growing to Greatness (various organizations)
- G2G = Go to Girl
- G2G = Gray to Gray
- G2G = Gateway to Gateway
- G2G = Green to Green
- G2G = Glory to God (also seen as GTG)
- G2G = Green to Gold (US Army commissioning program)
- G2G = Go to Gun (Antigo, WI)
- G2G = Gay to Gay
- G2G = Guy to Girl
- G2G = Generation to Generation
- G2G = Good to Go
- G2G = Got To Go
- G2G = Good to Great (Jim Collins‘ theory about successful companies)
- G2G = Gateway to Growth (UK)
Conversation Examples
Example 1: Conversation between two friends.
- Friend 1: Hey, where’re you going?
- Friend 2: I’m going to school.
- Friend 1: Wait me!
- Friend 2: Hurry, I G2G now, or else I’ll be late!
Example 2: Conversation between two old friends.
- Person 1: Long time no see! What’s going on?
- Person 2: Hey, yeah, long time no see! I’m ok, how about you?
- Person 1: Yeah, I’m going to get married.
- Person 2: Ohhh, congrats!!!
- Person 1: Thank you. Why don’t we have some coffee for now?
- Person 2: Oh, I’m so sorry, I G2G now. I need to go to the office. What about tonight?
- Person 1: Oh, that’s great! I will call you tonight.
- Person 2: Ok, see you tonight.
- Person 1: Bye, see you.
G2G Meaning Infographic
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